Our Slogan is: Fighting for the light to synthesize!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Advertising Campaign

To successfully advertise our chloroplast tours, we are going to need to do a lot of things. We will need to be advertising in multiple media outlets, such as television, billboards, magazines, the internet, and radio. There will be online interactive tours and live streaming of photosynthesis. We will also be uploading biology study guides regarding photosynthesis.

-For television, we will be advertising out tours on specific channel, such as History channel, the Science Channel, and PBS. These channels are being viewed by our target audience, intellectual families with an interest in science. We will be heavily advertising on Nova, a scientific series on PBS.

-For our billboard campaign, we will be big and bold. We will be jumping out at the unsuspecting driver with not a picture, but a video. It will be showing the inside of a chloroplast, and photosynthesis happening in real time on a live stream.

-For magazines, we will be advertising in Scientific America, Science Magazine, Discover, and National Geographic. Our target audience will read these magazines, so we will be investing most heavily in these magazines.

-On the internet, we will be running ads on the websites of all of the magazines that we are advertising on. We will also be running live streaming of photosynthesis, much like our billboard campaign. In addition to the live streaming, there will be interactive tours of different cells that people can use.

-On the radio, we will be keeping it simple. We will be heavily advertising on National Public Radio. Our most recent survey shows that people who would be interested in our tours listen to public radio.

Using these mediums, we hope that we will bring in many potential clients to our webpage, and hopefully, be very successful.

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