Our Slogan is: Fighting for the light to synthesize!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Stop the destruction of plants and trees

Rain forests used to cover 14% of the earth and now they only cover 6% of the planet. If the people on the plant continue what they are doing, then all the rain forests will be gone within 40 years. Not only are people destroying the rain forests, but forest areas all around the planet. The mass destruction of plants and trees should be stopped at all costs because it is harmful to our environment, and reduces benefits given to us by photosynthesis produced in the plants.

People have to protect our environment from harm that will come to it. The more trees destroyed the more CO_2 is build up in the atmosphere causing a greenhouse effect. With more trees being ripped up the soil it was planted in will be depleted of nutrients needed for other plants to grow. Trees in the wild are often used as storm and wind breakers to make the force less powerful. If the trees are gone then the storm or wind will hit a place full force, probably destroying whats in its path. Without trees not only would humans be in danger, but animals would lose their habitat. Many species use trees as homes and if people destroy trees they are destroying animal habitats. Everyone being on the plant needs a home. As for being harmful it is devastating, but it is also reducing our benefits.

By destroying the plants around civilization, the people lose some of the benefits given to us by the process photosynthesis that goes on within the plants. The human race breathes in oxygen to live, and by cutting down trees we are losing the source of oxygen creation. We would lose the very thing we need to live. Plants serve as food for all animals and animals use the glucose from the plants to give them energy. Then eventually we die and decompose, then the plants use the nutrients we left behind as food. This the great circle of life and if humans destroy the trees and plants this cycle will not be able to continue. With oxygen produced by the plants greenhouse gasses and effect are both reduced not only benefiting our the people but the whole plant instead.

With people protecting the plants and trees we would be protecting the environment and would receive more benefits from photosynthesis within the plants. If we stop the destruction of trees and plants, then we could save many animals as well. Every living thing would be connected and would help sub-stain the planet to use for many more years to come.

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